
Why am I doing the 101 in 1001?

Sometimes the things we want in life can seem very distant, and there’s nothing we can accomplish now. Sometimes it can seem that we’ve already achieved so much, we stop appreciating our little successes.

Also, I am really quite lazy. I think that I’ll do things. I say that I’ll make use of my time. Then, the internet happens, and days off dissolve into nothingness.

I do actually quite like doing things; I just need a push. Or a crushing fear of disappointing somebody.


To distract from that emotional openness, here’s a happy koala.

Many people split their 101 into sections: ‘family’, ‘spirituality’, ”work’ etc. I prefer the scattergun effect – asking myself:
– What would you like to achieve in the next 3 years?
– What do you want to do, but somehow never get around to?
– What are you scared or reluctant to do?
– What can you do for the people around you?
– What do you wish was different in your life?
– What can you do easily or locally to get out and about more?

Some are easy, some are hard. Some are just to encourage me to leave the house. Many I can do by myself, many with friends, family, or Char. I have tried to make the list fairly achievable purely by my own means; I want to have control over accomplishing everything on it, without the possibility of outside influence holding me back. I can’t deny, though, that Charpy and I are doing the 101 in 1001 simultaneously, and that I want us to enjoy our lists together. I also want to include our family and friends – to me, part of the fun will be creating shared memories, and a lasting record for you and for me of the things we’ve achieved.

Hopefully that answers the other ‘why?’… the one you may be asking yourself. Why am I reading this?

Think all this is crazy, or foolish? Okay. Just don’t be surprised when I co-opt you into ticking something off the list with me.

Best wishes,

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